Fundraise for Hope
Help us raise funds to ensure our projects can be available to all parents.
Be part of our pre-loved toy team
Quality second hand toys benefit families, increase recycling and help our fundraising.
You could help us by donating good quality toys, or perhaps you would be interested in runningĀ a toy stall in your locality as a one-off, or regular event; or link with Hope volunteers in Mid Sussex already running their own stalls.
Raise awareness of Hope's activities
Are you connected to local councillors, MP’s, trust members or funding sources in your local area? Your support to help network us would be gratefully received in helping us raise peoples awareness of Hope’s activites.
Raise funds your way!
If you’re running a fundraiser we’d love to hear about it! We can provide logos and other information to help you spread news of your event, as well as tell you how to donate the money you raise to us.