About Hope
Hope exists to support and encourage family life. We offer emotional support and friendship through caring groups, enabling parents to feel connected and empowered to handle the challenges of family life.
How we work
We look to network and collaborate with churches, schools and community groups who are seeking to support families. We link in and enhance what is already going on in a community, offering training and support to volunteers so they can own the running of a project for the benefit of their community.
Christian Ethos
Respecting / Caring / Patience / Non-judgmental / Loving / Honesty / Compassion / Humility / Working Together / Encouraging
These are at the core of living as a Christian, although we acknowledge that many uphold the same ethos to life without a Christian faith. You don’t have to be a Christian to be involved with Hope, but it helps to be in agreement with our ethos.
Our belief statement
- It is our belief that God is all knowing and above all things
- His nature is love and His desire is all people know Him and live life with Him
- God demonstrated His love through His Son Jesus
- Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection to life, is the way we have a full relationship with God
- The Holy Spirit is our helper equipping and guiding our lives
- Prayer is a conversation enabling us to listen and talk to God
- The Bible says “We are loved by God, friends of God, and co-heirs to Christ”
- Knowing this identity leads to living an adventurous life, characterised by confidence, peace and hope.
How Christian faith impacts what Hope does
- It creates compassion to work with those finding life difficult
- It inspires hope for people beyond the pressures of their circumstances
- It gives reason for encouraging churches in their faith and connection to their community
- It encourages volunteers to be willing to talk about faith and life with anyone who wants to
- It values unity and working together, so we network and partner with other groups
- It inspires prayerfulness to underpin decisions, project content and advice.
Naomi McBain
Naomi grew up moving around the world, trained as a Primary School teacher in Canterbury before meeting Ian in Hove and marrying in 1996. They have three children, all now young adults, and worship at The Point Church in Mid Sussex. Whilst teaching, Naomi always felt she would like to work with the whole family so as to support parents in their vital role. Her past teaching experiences and many years of contact with families, together with studying a Masters in Spiritual Formation, underpins her involvement in supporting people to find their worth, inner strength and abilities through Hope. In any spare time she loves photography, playing padel tennis and watching films (preferably with the family).