Playtime Volunteer
Haywards Heath
An ideal person for the role would have:
- A playful, non-judgemental nature
- An appreciation of the value of sensory play
- A value in the importance of family life
- An enjoyment in talking with adults and children alike
- Own transport (essential for one person in the team to have a car to transport resources)
- To be available (if possible) without your own children
- Able to move light-weight equipment
What you would be doing:
- Team working with another volunteer
- Set up, oversee and clear up the themed play activities
- Modelling play and guiding parents and children to explore the play activities available
- Getting to know local families
Amount of time required:
- One morning a month
- 3 hours for the session; set up, open to public for 1.5 hours, pack down
- 1 hour preparation to choose activities and gather resources
- Attend up to 4 training sessions of 90mins a year and twice a year meeting with other Playtime volunteers
Support offered to you:
- Initial 6 sessions of training with other Hope volunteers
- Support to start up your new sessions
- Playtime plans and suggestions for activities and the resources needed
- Ongoing contact with other Playtime volunteers
- Ongoing contact with a Hope leader to ask any questions or individual advice
- A developing programme of volunteer training sessions to attend
- Support and advice on funding the project
What we hope you will gain from volunteering in this role:
- Satisfaction from encouraging and getting to know families in your community
- Sense of belonging to a well supported team looking to support the lives of families.
- Creative Play ideas to use with your family where relevant
- A role that can be added to your CV
Other relevant information:
This is not a crèche facility…the parents/adult carers are always with the children to play
Apply to be a playtime volunteer
If you're interested in helping us with playtime we would love to hear from you.